Oceans of Climate Change

Steve Biles: Climate change is something that affects all of our lives, whether we’re a student, a teacher or a scientist. Speaking of scientists, I have a guest here with me today that can tell us a lot more about climate change, Josh Willis. Now you’re an oceanographer here at JPL, correct?
氣候變化是影響到我們所有的人 - 不論我們是學生、老師或科學家。說到科學家,今天我有一位來賓Josh Willis在這裡,他可以告訴我們許多氣候變化的事情。你現在是JPL(Jet Propulsion Laboratory噴射推動實驗室)的海洋學家,是嗎?

Josh Willis: Well, I’m an oceanographer but I study sea level rise, global warming and really how the ocean fits into that global warming picture. Global warming is happening because people are emitting billions of tons of carbon dioxide and other green house gasses into the atmosphere. Now when they get there, these green house gasses cause extra heat to be trapped on the Earth, so heat that would have otherwise been radiated back out into space is now sticking around and warming up our planet.

Steve: Now all that heat is trapped in our atmosphere but is it also affecting the oceans?

Josh: Turns out that 80 to 90 percent of the heat from global warming is actually going into the oceans so the oceans are really the big Earth heat bucket, that’s where all the heat winds up going. It turns out the oceans can absorb 1000 times the amount of heat as the atmosphere without really changing their temperature all that much and the reason is because of something called heat capacity.

Steve: Do you have an example that could maybe explain heat capacity?

Josh: Let’s imagine that this balloon represents the whole Earth’s atmosphere so now my candle, my little lighter here, represents the sun, so let’s add some heat to it and see what happens.
讓我們想像一下,這只汽球代表的是整個地球的大氣,我的蠋光 - 這隻小打火機代表的是太陽,讓我們加一些熱量,看看會發生什麼事。

Steve: Now don’t try this at home without adult supervision and proper safety equipment. Whoa. So, obviously the heat capacity of air is very low because it didn’t absorb any heat at all.

Josh: Well, that’s right, almost as soon as we put the candle to the balloon, it exploded, and the reason is because since the air inside the balloon couldn’t really absorb the heat that fast, all the heat went toward melting the rubber. As soon as the rubber melted, the balloon explodes.

Steve: Ah, okay cool. Now that’s a good demonstration of heat capacity of air, how about the heat capacity of water, or the oceans?

Josh: Yeah, let’s do the oceans. How about a water balloon, Steve?

Steve: Sounds great.

Josh: All right, Steve, so this balloon filled with water represents the oceans and my lighter here represents the sun. Let’s put some heat on it and see what happens.
好,Steve,這只汽球充滿了水、代表的是海洋,我的蠋光 - 這隻小打火機代表的是太陽。讓我們加一些熱量,看看會發生什麼事。

Steve: Wow, obviously it’s absorbing a great deal of heat.

Josh: Right, so you’re feeling the heat there, Steve?

Steve: I am.

Josh: All right, but the balloon really isn’t because it turns out that the water can absorb so much heat that it takes the heat away from the skin of the balloon before the rubber can melt so the balloon doesn’t pop.

Steve: Excellent example, so the water has a tremendous ability to absorb heat and if that’s an analog for our oceans that means our oceans are absorbing a lot of heat as well.

Josh: That’s right, they sure are, Steve.

Steve: Well global warming sounds like quite a problem, what can we do about it?

Josh: Well the first thing we need to do Steve is really just understand the problem. Scientists all around the globe, including NASA scientists and here at JPL, we study data from satellites that measure the oceans and the atmosphere and these tell us about how global warming proceeds, and hopefully give us an idea of what the future’s going to look like.

Steve: It sounds like a pretty serious problem. What is it we can do?

Josh: Everything that we do almost uses some kind of energy and most of it is produced by burning fossil fuel, which releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. We could turn off the lights when we leave the room, maybe power down that computer every once in a while and go outside, take a bike ride instead of getting in your car.

Steve: Well thank Josh for coming in and talking to us today about climate change; we really appreciate your expertise.

Josh: You bet Steve, my pleasure.

Steve: Okay, thanks much.

To learn more about climate change and how NASA and JPL are studying the problem, go to climate.jpl.nasa.gov. And for more information about what NASA is doing in general, go to www.nasa.gov







Now when they get there, these green house gasses cause extra heat to be

trapped on the Earth, so heat that would have otherwise been radiated back

outinto space is now sticking around and warming up our planet.

1. 句子的主體:二個對等子句these green house gasses cause extra heat to be-trapped on the Earthheat is now sticking around and warming up our planet是由對等連接詞so所連接起來的。

註:heat is now sticking around and (heat is now) warming up our planet又是由對等連接詞and所連接起來。重覆的部分(heat is now)被省略掉了(文法書p.330-331)。

2. 從屬副詞子句Now when they get there是修飾這二個對等子句。(p.335)

3. 由關係代名詞that所帶領的從屬形容詞子句 that would have otherwise been radiated back是修飾 heat。(p.220)




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