- G -
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gadget |
['gædʒɪt] |
(n) 小機件; (小巧的)器具; 小玩意 |
[英] a small, useful, and cleverly-designed machine or tool |
gadgeteer (n) |
I have many gadgets that can help my DIY projects turn out faster.
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garment |
['gɑrmənt] |
(n)(v) 服裝, 衣著, (一件)衣服 |
[英] a piece of clothing |
Fashion models wearing the latest summer garments strutted along the catwalk.
* good [ gʊd ]
(adj.) 好
* well [ wɛl ]
(adj.) (adv.) 好
I feel good.
I'm not feeling well today.
I did well on the exams.
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gossip |
['gɑsəp] |
(n) (v) 閒話, 聊天; 流言蜚語 |
[英] information that is passed from one person to another about other people and their private lives, often including unkind or untrue remarks |
gossipy (adj) |
I heard them gossip about you last night.
* grizzle [ grɪzl ]
(n.) 灰色 (v.) 變成灰色;
grizzled [ grɪzld ]
(adj.) 灰色的、夾雜白髮的
* grizzly [ grɪzlɪ ]
(n.) 大灰熊;(adj.) 灰色的
* grisly [ grɪzlɪ ]
(adj.) 可怕的
Grizzled journalists have long advised that the key to success is to choose the first job on the basis of the teaching power of an editor willing to work with you.
The government is considering removing the grizzly from protection under the Endangered Species Act due to high bear numbers in Yellowstone National Park.
He told us a grisly story.
* guerilla [ gə ˈrɪlə ]
(n.) 游擊隊; (adj.) 游擊隊的
* gorilla [ gə ˈrɪlə ]
(n.) 大猩猩 |
- H -
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handout |
['hændaʊt] |
(n) 施捨物, 傳單, 印刷品, 講義 |
[英] money or goods that are given to someone, a piece of paper with information, which is given to people who are attending a lesson or meeting |
hand out 發放 |
Please donate some handouts to those sufferers.
We often see people hand out flyers on the street.
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hazard |
[ˋhæzɚd] |
(n) 危險; 危害物 (v) 冒險作出; 嘗試; 大膽提出 |
[英] (n) something that may be dangerous, or cause accidents or problems; (v) to say something that is only a suggestion or guess and that might not be correct |
hazardous (adv)
hazardously (adv) |
Many reporters like to hazard a guess before playoffs.
He hazarded his life to save a drowning child yesterday.
* heroine [ ˈhɛroˌ ɪn ]
(n.) 女主角、女英雄
* heroin [ ˈhɛroˌ ɪn ]
(n.) 海洛因毒品
* historic [ hɪs ˈtɔr ɪk ]
(adj.) 歷史上重要的
* historical [ hɪs ˈtɔr ɪkl ]
(adj.) 跟歷史有關的
historic scenes 歷史古蹟
historic event 歷史事件
historical novel 歷史小說
historical document 歷史文件
* horde [ ˈhord ]
(n.) 群
* hoard [ ˈhord ]
(n.) (v.) 囤積、儲存
Hordes of tourists pour in Disneyland’s New California Adventures everyday.
Animals that hoard food are more likely to be the ones that survive.
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horizontal |
[͵hɑrəˋzɑnt!] |
(adj) (n)水平的, 橫的, 臥式的, 地平線的 |
[英] flat and level |
horizon (n) |
horizontally (adv) |
When a horizontal line and a vertical line intersect, they form right angles.
It's so exciting to see the sun rise above the horizon on the first day of the year.
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housekeeping |
[ˋhaʊs͵kipɪŋ] |
(n) 家務, 家政 |
[英] the work and organization of things that need to be done in a house, hotel etc, for example cooking and buying food |
housekeep (v)
housekeeper (n) |
Why bother yourselves with housekeeping when you can afford a maid?